Today, when keeping me company in my dollying, she decided to make a dragon frame. So off she went, gathered up her and her sister Gwen's supply of fimo clay, pinched a couple of unpainted frames from me, painted them a silver grey-black (she was very specific about the colour she wanted!) and then set about designing her dragon.
I don't think I'm just being a proud mum when I say that I do actually think that her dragons are very good. Specially considering she's not quite 10 yet!
When she is finsihed I will post a photo of her compleated dragon frame.
This is wonderful. It warms my heart to see a young one turned on to sculpting clay with such passion.
I do not believe you to be a bias mom at all, from the looks of the dragon on the frame and the way she is holding the clay tool, I think you have a natural there!
She's pretty doggone good. I can't sculpt.
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