Me thinks I have a budding polymer clay artist at home!! This is our Megan making a dragon frame. This isn't the first time she has made dragons mind you. For Xmas she got Christie Friesen's book on making polymer clay dragons from her Grandma and has since gone a bit dragon mad! She has made about 10 dragons so far.
Today, when keeping me company in my dollying, she decided to make a dragon frame. So off she went, gathered up her and her sister Gwen's supply of fimo clay, pinched a couple of unpainted frames from me, painted them a silver grey-black (she was very specific about the colour she wanted!) and then set about designing her dragon.
I don't think I'm just being a proud mum when I say that I do actually think that her dragons are very good. Specially considering she's not quite 10 yet!
When she is finsihed I will post a photo of her compleated dragon frame.