Friday, 6 February 2009

Hanna's birthday present!

I got this lovely book called "Simply Amazing Spiral Quilts" of my mum Xmas. It's one of those books where you just want to drop everything and start a new project. Being an engineer I do find these kind of patterns fascinating. So I started a smallish project. No need to kill myself and go overboard is there?

A posh pillowcase for a first testrun. And having my little sisters birthday coming up I though this would be a good pressie! They have just addad a new bedroom to their house and decorated it so I used the same colours on the pillowcase as they have used in the room. Black, white and green.

I made the pillowcase in 8 bits. 8 triangles to start with that are then sewn in to 4 rectangles. Then you have to decide what pattern you want. Very tricky.... which pattern to choose???

They all turn out so different! I spent ages sitting on the floor moving them about to see which one I liked best. In the end I settled for the one below here. I'm not quite finished yet as you can see. I still have to quilt the pillowcase and then bind it. Luckily Hanna doesn't know I have a blog yet so she can't peek!!

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